My Story

I was raised to always stay active with constant movement (FIT) and to always appreciate and value a good meal (FOODIE).

When I chose to change my body I had to make a commitment to myself that I would not do it through crash dieting. I was raised with these tools so I put them to use.

Being able to change my body in the way that makes me feel good about it through simple changes of constant movement, healthier habits and moderation helped me not only loose my weight - but keep it off - through pregnancy and thereafter. 

After seeing how successful I was with my changes through moderating the good and the bad and making fun workouts to challenge my body, I realized I had more to offer and that I could help others who are trapped in the thought process of crash dieting and just running for exercise.

When I left the corporate world to pursue fitness I knew that I had something of value to offer. In a crazy trendy world with something new around the corner its so hard to know what’s right and wrong for our bodies.

When we change our thinking of focusing on moderating the bad with the good and finding that balance and self control and eating as close to the real food as we can and having a consistent workout routine that is fun and effective. The results follow. 


Why I do what I do

I believe that there is a need for people to learn balance and moderation as a successful means for staying healthy. I love to teach people how they can explore movement in a non-intimidating way - while being kind to their body. Seeing women get stronger and happier by achieving their goals and sticking with a healthier lifestyle is what fires me up in the morning. In a world of constant change, we forget to do something for ourselves.


Other joys in my life include...

Often times you’ll find me in the kitchen cooking up a storm and enjoying a glass of wine.


I enjoy spending time with my family on our boat and being active on the water.


I love being outdoors, hiking, and soaking up the beauty of nature.


This online platform is here to help you

Whether you’ve been making healthier choices for 15 minutes or 15 years, this platform exists to help you build discipline and fall in love with your body again.

Each page of this site is designed to help show you how to put your best foot forward, and foster your own fitness experience.

I also share all of my best advice in my newsletter. If you haven’t already, subscribe and join my community! You can do so right here: