Feeling Crossed?

Unfortunately we are all in this same boat, if you have a mobile device or use electronics, then we all deal with tech neck. Fancy version, upper cross syndrome. This syndrome is the result of underactive and overactive muscles in the neck and upper body ALL CAUSED BY SCREENS! Now, here’s where things get uncomfortable, this syndrome can also lead into lower cross syndrome, that’s right the lower body hip region. This means that yes, your tech neck can most certainly lead to hip issues, which can also link up with back issues. When the body is out of balance then your mechanics are off, when your mechanics are off then your movement patterns become compromised.

Something as simple as learning the correct rolling, stretching and corrective exercises could potentially change everything. So while you are reading this I’ll leave you with a little neck stretch that you can do on your own…

Sitting at your desk, wrap one arm around your lower back and grab the wrist with the opposite hand, gently turn your head looking to the side of the arm that is grabbing the wrist, hold for 30 seconds, both sides. Please repeat throughout the day.

Let me know how this works for you, I would love to hear from you!


Gumbi is Cool

Be like Gumbi, see how he moves and bends without anything cracking or snapping. Great news, you too can be like GUMBI! I have secured my stretch and flexibility coaching certificate. What this means is I have studied the anatomy of the fascia to be able to provide a self/assisted stretch program designed JUST FOR YOU!

Here is how this works, you come in for a FREE fascial assessment. I then dertermine which fascia net is giving you the issues and then I design a plan just for you! We then schedule your first session where you will be invited into my temperature controlled studio with calming music to activate your parasympathetic nervous system and work out those areas that might be troubling you. These sessions can be 30 or 60 minutes depending on the severity of your fascial net, this will be discussed at your FREE assessment.

This opportunity is designed to help work out any issues that might be preventing you from moving freely through space, this will help with mobility and flexibility. If this sounds like something you think you or your body may need please feel free to reach out to me so we can schedule your FREE assessment!



I have some of the best news! FINALLY the universe is making sense. The company I am licensed through is partnering with TRUEMED, this allows us wellness businesses to accept HSA and FSA funds for training!!!!

So lets talk details, you can train with me 1-1 or in a group and use your HSA/FSA money!! Now what happens if you don’t have this kind of benefit or maybe you do, let’s dig a little deeper…have you looked at your insurance wellness plan? Many times you are given a reimbursement for gym memberships, fitness groups or 1-1 training. Guess what guys… I AM ALL OF THOSE!

So, hey hit me up and let’s get you some FREE MOTHER F$%&@^! MONEY!!!!

Here is the link to start the HSA/FSA process…



Your future payments might be eligible for reimbursement through HSA/FSA funds. Personal training is medicine and can often count for tax-free spending - saving an average of 30%.

TrueMed will handle all the intricacies of using your HSA/FSA funds on your behalf, making the entire checkout process seamless and hassle-free.

Start the qualification process here. LINK ABOVE

If TrueMed determines that fitness can help prevent or reverse a health condition you care about (making it eligible for HSA/FSA), they will send you a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN)

Once you are approved, just submit your future receipts and LMN to your HSA/FSA provider for reimbursement. Truemed guarantees reimbursement.

TrueMed will send instructions to get reimbursed and their customer support team will be available to assist. Truemed guarantees reimbursement once qualified.

Qualify for HSA/FSA spending  LINK ABOVE

~Dana THE Traina

STOP Moving Forward!

I see it all the time, Jan 1 hits and everyone is running, RUNNING I mean RUNNING FOWARD, not backward, not side to side, FORWARD! We live in a three dimensional world, we must move our bodies in all three dimensions. Continuing to move our body in one plane of motion, will only set you up for injury and pain.

All three planes of motion end up utilizing all muscle groups, then when you use these muscle groups with different modes of training ie; bands, weights, balancing devices, barbells, suspension work, list goes on, then you are not only strengthening major muscle groups but also those supporting muscle groups in and around the major.

Maybe you aren’t sure of where to start with all this, if you start by adding in some side to side work, front to back work and twisting motions to your workout you may notice a difference in how you feel and your running may improve.

I am always available to help answer any questions, also feel free to drop into any one of my classes. I strategically program my classes to utilize not only all plans of motion but all modes of training.

Class schedule:


TUES 10a MAT PILATES (my home)

THURS 10:45a MAT PILATES (my home)

These classes are cheaper than an injury, we can’t afford for YOU to be hurt.

*All classes led by an AFAA certified Trainer, NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist, NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist, AFAA Pilates and yoga certified, AFAA Kickboxing certified and Modality training certified

Happy Drug

"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands," Elle says confidently.

And there it is spoken from Elle, truth bomb. So why do we spend so much time making excuses and not making the time to tap into this free drug?! Because we live in a quick fast paced amazon prime world where as soon as we click the loose weight button, we expect it to arrive tomorrow. Another truth bomb, that will never happen. Endorphins are released through vigorous exercise. With consistent vigorous exercise and that natural release of endorphins, there could be a potential of aiding in the treatment of anxiety and depression. I’ve been training clients for 10 years, I have watched many people pull and stay out of depression and anxiety when their exercise routine became and stayed consistent. That in and of itself should be the main reason one chooses to move their bodies, to feel and be HAPPY. After all, isn’t that what we all want to reach, pure happiness.

We all have time to move, its a matter of YOU making the time.

Wikipedia definition of endorphin.

Endorphins (contracted from "endogenous morphine"[note 1]) are endogenous opioid neuropeptides and peptide hormones in humans and other animals. They are produced by the central nervous system and the pituitary gland. The term "endorphins" implies a pharmacological activity (analogous to the activity of the corticosteroid category of biochemicals) as opposed to a specific chemical formulation. It consists of two parts: endo- and -orphin; these are short forms of the words endogenous and morphine, intended to mean "a morphine-like substance originating from within the body".[3] The class of endorphins includes three compounds—α-endorphin (alpha endorphins), β-endorphin (beta endorphins), and γ-endorphin (gamma endorphins)—which preferentially bind to μ-opioid receptors.[4] The principal function of endorphins is to inhibit the communication of pain signals; they may also produce a feeling of euphoriavery similar to that produced by other opioids.[5]

Endorphins play a major role in the body's response to inhibiting pain but endorphins have also been looked at for their role in pleasure. There has been a lot of research in the euphoric state that is produced after the release of endorphins in cases such as runner's high, orgasms, and eating appetizing food.[15][20]Endorphins have also been looked into as a way to aid in the treatment of anxiety and depression through exercising.[21]

On the other hand, endorphins may also be involved in exercise addiction. The release of endorphins a person gets while exercising will produce a feeling of euphoria.


Eat Like Me, or Pretend to at Least....

I am in maintenance mode which means I follow the 80/20 or sometimes the 90/10. That means that 80-90% of the time I am on point and the rest I indulge. It creates a happy balance in my life. Not too restrictive but keeps me in check. Typically weightless you should focus 90/10 and maintenance 80/20.

I made this recipe up and thought I would share the yummy picture with everyone, either to inspire or maybe you want to make them. The full recipe can be found on my FFIT Shack along with other yummy recipes that I make all the time and some home workouts that can be done anywhere!



Why Pilates?

We live in a world where we must treat exercise as a necessity. Sure, we may all be interested in different forms of working out. Powerlifting, running, swimming, biking, intervals, walking, strength training, yoga, barre, Zumba, stripping or sex. However, we spend a good part of our day sitting with rounded shoulders. Then we expect our bodies to perform the way we want them to, more often than not resulting in injury. 

Pilates movements are based on centering and stabilizing the torso. When we strengthen this area it then transfers power to the limbs, arms and legs and also decreases stress to the ligaments and joints. Pilates is probably the best foundational workout you will ever get, this is something that you MUST add into your routine. I guarantee you will feel amazing and your body will perform so much better in your workouts and your day to day life.

 At the moment I am offering a 20% off by April 20th if you join FFIT Camp and my mat Pilates classes in the month of May. Pilates Starts April 30th, at my home from 10:00-10:45am. Come and change the way your feel and look.


This two letter word is on of the reasons we prevent ourselves from accomplishing our goals. I hear this daily, “I didn’t have the time.” You have the time, time is what you make it. So really you should be responding with, “It wasn’t a priority.” Then you are being honest with yourself, and honesty can make or break your goal setting. A lot of times the reason why we feel like we don’t have the time, comes down to poor time management, prioritization and that two letter word, NO!

In the years that I have been training I have met some incredible people, people who tend to put themselves last which creates inconsistency and then frustration for not seeing and feeling their results. I hear about how unhappy they are but with one little two letter word, they can find happiness. Learning to say NO can change your world.

Follow these the next time you are in a situation where you really should just say NO!

  • Keep your response simple. If you want to say no, be firm and direct. Use phrases such as “Thanks for coming to me but I’m afraid it’s not convenient right now” or “I’m sorry but I can’t help this evening.” Try to be strong in your body language and don’t over-apologize. Remember, you’re not asking permission to say no.

  • Buy yourself some time. Interrupt the ‘yes’ cycle, using phrases like “I’ll get back to you,” then consider your options. Having thought it through at your leisure, you’ll be able to say no with greater confidence.

  • Consider a compromise. Only do so if you want to agree with the request, but have limited time or ability to do so. Suggest ways forward to suit both of you. Avoid compromising if you really want or need to say no.

  • Separate refusal from rejection. Remember you’re turning down a request, not a person. People usually will understand that it is your right to say no, just as it is their right to ask the favor.

  • Don’t feel guilty for saying no to your children. It is important for them to hear no from time to time so that they develop a sense of self-control. It is hard to negotiate adult life without this important skill. Rather than cave in to their protests, let them know who is in charge by setting boundaries.

  • Be true to yourself. Be clear and honest with yourself about what you truly want. Get to know yourself better and examine what you really want from life.

Reference: https://psychcentral.com/lib/learning-to-say-no/

Why Group Fitness Works

Here are 7 reason why group training is SO important…

COMMUNITY: We all want to be a part of something, when we work together to achieve the same goals we strengthen the community that we are all a part of which makes us feel valued.

MENTAL WELL BEING: Maybe you struggle with depression or a stressful home or work situation. Exercising as we all know releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy! Consistently exercising will keep those endorphins going and in turn happiness is what you will have achieved.

ACCOUNTABILITY: We all rely on each other to hold each other up and make sure we follow through with what we signed up to do.

STRUCTURE: How many times have you stared in front of the mirror at the gym or stared at your mat with nothing coming to mind. Joining a group workout with a trainer who structures the workouts to hit all areas of the body is not only the most effective way of getting it done but also the correct way.

SUPPORT: When someone is having a hard time with life we listen while we sweat, we have the opportunity to make life long bonds through group exercise.

MOTIVATION: Some are more competitive than others but at the end of the day when someone is working hard that energy is shared and naturally pushes us to work harder.

FUN: FFIT camp workouts are different than any other workout which is what makes them fun, that and we get to listen to loud music and say FUCK a lot.

Join the FUN starting Jan 7th for 4 weeks. Monday and Wednesday 11am and 6pm. Kids welcome!

See ya Monday,
