Why Group Fitness Works

Here are 7 reason why group training is SO important…

COMMUNITY: We all want to be a part of something, when we work together to achieve the same goals we strengthen the community that we are all a part of which makes us feel valued.

MENTAL WELL BEING: Maybe you struggle with depression or a stressful home or work situation. Exercising as we all know releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy! Consistently exercising will keep those endorphins going and in turn happiness is what you will have achieved.

ACCOUNTABILITY: We all rely on each other to hold each other up and make sure we follow through with what we signed up to do.

STRUCTURE: How many times have you stared in front of the mirror at the gym or stared at your mat with nothing coming to mind. Joining a group workout with a trainer who structures the workouts to hit all areas of the body is not only the most effective way of getting it done but also the correct way.

SUPPORT: When someone is having a hard time with life we listen while we sweat, we have the opportunity to make life long bonds through group exercise.

MOTIVATION: Some are more competitive than others but at the end of the day when someone is working hard that energy is shared and naturally pushes us to work harder.

FUN: FFIT camp workouts are different than any other workout which is what makes them fun, that and we get to listen to loud music and say FUCK a lot.

Join the FUN starting Jan 7th for 4 weeks. Monday and Wednesday 11am and 6pm. Kids welcome!

See ya Monday,
